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Posts posted by VSack

  1. Greetings!


    My name is John and I live in the Twin Cities; in range of the RCEMHS-ESU repeater I found on this very website!


    I got my start many years ago as a salesperson at Radio Shack and I am still kicking myself today for not paying more attention to the radio section of that store (every store had an 'expert' you always deferred to).


    My interest piqued a few years ago when I realized that we might be able to save some money at our company by using radios instead of Nextel phones between our warehouse and offices (which are several miles apart).  I finally got around to getting GMRS Radio Certification so I could at least begin to dabble at home with this new (to me) technology.


    Out of respect for all of the work and knowledge that you all do, I was wondering the following: 


    1. Are there any recommendations for companies I could reach out to help build out a solution for us?  Either my Google-fu is lacking or finding companies that deal with business solutions for this sort of thing seem to be rare.  I'd rather find an expert to help than to experiment in a manner that might be deemed irresponsible. 


    2. Is there any sort of definitive "Getting Started with GMRS" guides that you all recommend?


    3. Is GMRS the "preferred" method for radio communication for businesses over a a 2.5 mile distance?  These are two warehouse buildings that can certainly have repeaters (alitiude difference of +/-20ft) but I remember back in my day there were "business band" radios that were KISS-easy for users.  I'm not sure if that's changed.


    Thanks in advance!  I look forward to being the new kid around here!

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