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  1. I am using software CE27 V1.08. on my VXR7000U and it works fine on wide and narrow, the setup also has wide / marrow settings. Andy WQTQ562
  2. HELP Is there anyone out there with a VXR7000U that is up to date on programming there repeater. I need HELP with mine. I have the software and cable, but unable to program successfully. I could sure use some help with it. Thanks Andy WQTQ562 Medford, Or.
  3. Corey, thanks for the reply, with my experience with ebay I'd rather build one then trust someone to be honest about what they are selling, I'v had a couple bogas sellers with electrical items, Thanks again Andy WQTQ562
  4. I want to build a simple repeater to start out. using a couple radios, duplexer and controller, can anyone help me with some info on what i need and get it tuned. Thank you Andy WQTQ562
  5. I am in need of a base antenna, anyone out there have one they would like to get rid of or sell. thanks Andy WQTQ562
  6. I have 2 tk-880 that i would like to make into a repeater, is there anyone with info on required parts. thanks.
  7. I have 2 tk880-H-1 that I would like to build a repeater out of. does someone have a list of parts I need to buy the do this, thanks.
  8. I want to use my moble (Kenwood TK-880H) as a base radio and need a power supply, on the tag the input is 13.6 vdc and 12 amp, do I need to have a power supply with a 12 amp or higher rating? Thank you, Andy WQTQ562
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