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Everything posted by scubadude85

  1. Thank you for that. The only problem I have is it don't tell what level of ham ticket is needed. Like tech or gen or extra. I need a quote to prove the level needed. The other problem I have is learning the info needed in all my looking on the internet I can find practice tests witch I fail because I don't know the info needed. So how do I get the proper info to pass the testing that is needed?
  2. My daughter this year for school will have an opportunity to have he science experiment sent to the ISS as well as everyone else in her school, which is a steam school. I think to make this event more conductive for the students of her school is that if one of the parents has a ham ticket that allows them to communicate with the ISS. I am looking for information on the level of ham ticket that is needed to allow this communication to help the students in my daughter's school. If no one in the school has the Ham ticket I will get it so we can make this happen.
  3. from my experience repeaters dont work. i ask for permission never get a replay and the open ones that i am with in 20 feet of i never get any anything from. i travel all over the usa with my radios and i cant call out or receive anything 2 days ago i could see the open repeaters and got nothing.
  4. Thank you for the info.
  5. I think all my radios will not work. I have Cobra CXT1095-FLT, Zastone X6 Icom IC-F4001
  6. I have spent the last 8hrs going through the forums but can not find an answer. I am looking for info on DPL. There a repeater near me, he has it set up in DPL. I do not have any radios that has DPL on it. Will DPL 654 equal anything into hZ that I can program? All the radios I have can be programmed for c-tones in hZ
  7. So true. No one near my place uses GMRS all the traffic I hear is on FRS
  8. I am mostly impressed with the Zastone X-6 handhelds. Today I did a little testing with them to transmit within my neighborhood I was able to hear them with my Icom handheld from 2 miles away. I would recommend the X-6 for a cheap radio that I am not scared to give my kids when they are in the neighborhood.
  9. Thank you
  10. I am trying to program Icom handhelds and Zastone x6 to be able to talk to my cobra radios. I like to have my cobras on CTCSS and I have not found a chart for the PL tones with channels for that. is it the same as the PDF I have attached? There is nothing in the manual as well please see the hyperlink. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2203/2035/files/CXT1095_FLT_CW_ML-20180409.pdf?595203258252614212 FRS-GMRS-Frequency-Chart.pdf
  11. Please help a noob out. 1) I understand SWR needs to be as low as you can get. 2) dB I don't understand are low numbers good or high numbers? 3) When installing an outdoor antenna and weather packing the connectors can one use die-electric grease or just heat shrink tubing?
  12. I do think the radios I have are .5 watts maybe 2 watts at most there old Cobra's CXT10195 FLT and have only been used on FRS.
  13. The problem I have with FRS is the range. The park where my kids play I can see from my house FRS 95% of the time can't communicate where GMRS can all the time.
  14. I have been thinking about this for my kids. Will my 4 and 8 year olds be expected to remember and use my call sign or just myself and wife?
  15. 95.1731 Permissible GMRS uses. The operator of a GMRS station may use that station for two-way plain language voice communications with other GMRS stations and with FRS units concerning personal or business activities. (a) Emergency communications. Any GMRS channel may be used for emergency communications or for traveler assistance. Operators of GMRS stations must, at all times and on all channels, give priority to emergency communications B: One-way communications. The operator of a GMRS station may use that station to transmit one-way communications: (1) To call for help or transmit other emergency communications; (2) To provide warnings of hazardous road conditions to travelers; or, (3) To make brief test transmissions. © Travelers assistance. The operator of a GMRS station may transmit communications necessary to assist a traveler to reach a destination or to receive necessary services. (d) Digital data. GMRS hand-held portable units may transmit digital data containing location information, or requesting location information from one or more other GMRS or FRS units, or containing a brief text message to another specific GMRS or FRS unit. If I understand this witch I may not. Weather alerts are ok because they are classified as emergency communications.
  16. scubadude85


    Thank you for this help a lot. I guess the Icom IC-F6021 will not work then.
  17. Thank you of the info
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