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  1. Thanks! That's very helpful information. I'll search the threads. Hopefully Midland can address some of those inadequacies in future versions.
  2. Thanks for the feedback Ian!
  3. Has anyone used any of the Midland repeater capable gmrs radios with a repeater? If so, how do they perform?
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I just bought a couple of mxt275s
  5. I'm somewhat of a newbie, and I'm considering getting either the mxt115 or mxt275 and I can see the advantage that the 275 has with the integrated controls on the handset. Why would anyone choose the 115? It costs the same and has pretty much the same specs except that all the controls are on the base unit. Am I missing something? Can anyone who's had experience with both, tell me what advantage that the 115 has over the 275?
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