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  1. Once again THE FCC has confused the issue ! This is NOT updated in Part 95 ! Rule changes have to go before Commissions and Congress ! Just like the ATF that just got slapped in the face ! If this IS THE NEW RULE of the land as stated, then you will see ALL THE NETS AND LINKED station that put it out there start shutting down ! I know everyone will have an argument on it !
  2. What happened to the network set up link ? it was there last week now it is gone , I wanted to add a repeater to my network.
  3. What can be done to remove listed Repeaters on this site that are NOT ON THE AIR ? I have several in my current location that are listed but not on the air or have been taken down .
  4. Hey I am in need of a few spare parts for a project. Anyone have a Moto R100 repeater being used as a boat anchor or door stop that I can rob a few parts from ? Contact me W6KRP@yahoo.com Thanks, Mark
  5. Hi All i am looking for a used DB404-B dipole antenna this version is 450 to 470 mhz anyone with a lead on one please email me thanks
  6. I have a 200 foot section of andrew heliax 1/2" hard line for sale.. no connectors on it. i am in south carolina if you are local you can pick it up, if you need it shipped that will require you to pay shipping via fed ex and a samll handling fees for the shipping materials. email me for more info and pics,
  7. the issue for the handhelds is they are not filtered enough on the RX side to keep out the TX of the other out when that close together so you will be fighting desense. and separation between each will be an issue all the time. look at the id-o-matic 4 it is a basic repeater controller with a courtsey beep cwid or voice id if you buy the option board for it, very cheap to buy and build and works great for a basic controller.
  8. stick with pl or dpl ( dcs ) more than likely dcs. that helps keep the kids out of your hair.
  9. Anyone have these for sale or know of a lead one a set ? Ebay is empty at the time.
  10. howdy people, here is one for you, searching for either an active high or active low COR signal on this repeater. the one on the DB15 accessory connection at pin 15 is an active low, but when you connect to it it kills the audio passing thriought the repeater. any thoughts ? i have located several spots inside on the tx / rx and main board but they all do the same thing, when you connect to them they stop the audio from passing out of the xmitter.
  11. If anyone has the programming software for the DRC 200 please contact me, i need it to move forward......
  12. has anyone interfaced a weather alert radio into a gmrs repeater ?
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