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Everything posted by aj22185

  1. Do you have individual antennas for each, or some kind of splitter? I can think of multiple applications for just one antenna and multiple receivers. It just seems like there would be too much signal loss.
  2. I don't know about the 400. I have the 115. My manual has the tones listed on the last page. And instructions for setting are detailed in the manual. Sorry, I can't be of more help. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  3. From the conversation after national net tonight (8/2/20 around 22:00 EST) around BTech 50X1 vs QYT KT-980 Plus. Based on one account these radios are essentially the same, but the QYT has different software and will tune to VHF @ 75W and UHF @ 55W (which will include GMRS) and is a few dollars cheaper. If anyone is looking into a QYT KT-980 Plus, I found one on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/QYT-136-174mhz-Transceiver-Quad-standby-Programming/dp/B0721KKVHT/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=KT-980+plus&qid=1596419853&sr=8-1 I am definitely considering this unit as I will eventually merge into HAM as well. While it seems like a somewhat limited HAM machine it will surely get me started at least in VHF/UHF. That is, before i jump into something much more capable and, of course, much more expensive as well. If anyone would like to share additional information, I (and I'm sure many others) would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance! WREW975
  4. Hey Snoop. Thanks for the advice on my post. This topic is a little more up my alley. Speaking in general terms outside of GMRS: The thing about electromagnetic energy (radio waves) is, it's literally everywhere already. Light, sound, RF, and even the more harmful X-ray and gamma ray energy are all propagating constantly all around us. For GMRS purposes the wavelengths are pretty long (2 meters ish) so the likelyhood of any harmful health effects are very slim even when standing very close to a high power transmitter. The main concern is much higher frequencies (several gigahertz such as those used for radar and higher) at very high outputs. The higher the frequency the more dangerous it becomes, and the same can be said for output power in those higher bands. There are many stories about sailors feeling physically warmer when standing in front of the high powered radar stations on naval ships. For this reason there are painted lines on the deck to help keep them safe. "Radiation" does not simply apply to all frequencies with regard to it's ability to alter cellular DNA. The frequencies required to do that have wavelengths that are incredibly small. That's a long explanation, but think of it like this, if RF energy were that harmful would it be safe to hold a 2 GHz 0.5W transceiver (your cellphone) up to your head for hours at a time? While claims have been made that it causes health issues, they are largely unsubstantiated and most have been debunked. All that to say, you'll be just fine using a UHF transceiver at 40W, or even 400W for that matter. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  5. It appears my inability to make contact was just a matter of bad luck. I was able to utilize the repeater tonight and made contact with several individuals in the Midwest. I am still shopping for a slightly better setup as I would like to build a capable GMRS base station at my house. Thanks again for all the advice! Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  6. Yeah someone else brought up narrow vs wideband. This repeater does not use a split tone, that much I'm sure of. It seems I might just need to upgrade and keep the Midland for family comms. Thanks all. WREW975, Shopping Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  7. @SnoopCoop are you transmitting on the lower channels or on the repeater channels? You'll receive on both, but I've been trying to Tx on the higher set of repeater channels. Should I be on the lower non-repeater channel when trying to Tx? I wouldn't think so, but like you I'm new to GMRS and to my Midland. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks so much for the response. I was able to program the tone on only one channel, the one relating to the repeater. I hear a ton of traffic as it is a linked repeater so traffic can be heard from all over the country (NY, AZ, IL, etc). I will double check my settings as you describe. That's a good starting point, although I'm fairly confident they're correct, I've certainly been wrong before. Case in point, you are correct, my antenna is a 3dB gain. It's also worth mentioning in this particular area of Indiana it is as flat as can be. The biggest obstruction between my location and the repeater is the corn. [emoji38] Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
  9. Meaning frequency deviation because it's FM. Got it. [emoji106] I'd say that's a possibility. I'm wondering if anyone else has the same experience with the MXT115. I'm also thinking 15W may not be enough at 31 miles LOS. Thoughts?
  10. I am very new to GMRS and have yet to make first contact. I'm having trouble getting anyone to read me on the Russiaville 700 repeater. I have received authorization from the owner. I have set the Pt on my Midland MXT115 to 20=131.8 as directed and as noted on the mygmrs map, and I have set my transmit power to high and repeater setting to "on". I am 31 miles straight east with very little obstructions and can receive the traffic very clearly. I also have the Midland MXTA25 +6dB gain ghost antenna. Is it possible I need a higher watt radio or possibly a taller antenna like the Midland whip style +6dB antenna? It's a lot of fun listening to people from all over the country, but I'd really like to participate in the conversation as well. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. -Austin WREW975
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