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Everything posted by danphuffman

  1. The CTCSS code shows up correctly in the manual menu. I'll try with my radio at his location and if that works I'll factory reset and reinstall the programming on his. Thanks for that advice.
  2. I'm stumped and need suggestions on what else to try. I'm using the exact same radio, cable, antenna mount and antenna at my fathers house (10 miles away) as I have at my house. I've also programmed the radios exactly the same. I can hit two nearby repeaters from my house loud and clear. I can hear the repeater very clearly from my fathers house but CANNOT reach the repeater when trying to transmit. Here's the catch.... I can hit the repeater from his driveway from my mobile mounted in the truck. -Base station/Mobile connected to J Pole antenna mounted on roof. -Have tried changing to a different radio, cable and antenna to confirm no hardware issues. Is it possible the antenna on the roof is being blocked by something along the way or am I missing something???
  3. Just had two delivered. Set one up as my base station. Hitting the repeater 30 miles away and enjoying some of the features that my old Midland MXT 400 did not have. It was easy to program using their data cable and software I downloaded from the website. So far so good. Changed out my mobile unit as well and love the detachable face plate that I can now mount on the dashboard very cleanly.
  4. just search for: USB-29A Interface Cable: USB to 3.5MM. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Downloaded from the Dropbox and it worked like a champ! Joined the regional NET last night and it worked great. Just purchased a usb connector off amazon. No issues at all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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