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Posts posted by riddellr

  1. Hello.  After having my old node offline for a couple of years and now wanting to get back into it again, I downloaded the ASL-1.01.myGMRS-12.18.3-latest-standard-8GB.img and installed it on my microSD card.  When I edit the nodefinder.sh with my information, I get quite a few errors including node.js (i think) and other repo related errors.  Is there a way around this since the OS is so old and I suspect the repo files are no longer online?  If I can get some pointers in the right direction, I'd be willing to wipe my microSD card and start over providing all of the errors for troubleshooting.  Thank You.

  2. Hello All,


    I recently purchased the connect bundle from the store and have it running successfully on a repeater (New Baden 625).  I have started a project where I would like to move the software off of the Raspberry Pi and onto a local VM Host where I have installed the ASL software into two separate VMs.  My end goal is to have the myGMRS link go to my GMRS repeater (625) and an ASL node in a separate VM go to my Ham Repeater so that I can have the best of both worlds.  In an effort to ensure that there is zero chance I cross-linking, I wanted to touch base with the professionals here to determine if there is anything other than copying the contents of the /etc/asterisk folder over to the new install and firing things up?  Are there any other folders or scripts that need to be modified to move mygmrs from Raspberry Pi to a debian VM?  I will be running both repeaters on dummy loads until I am certain that there is no possibility of cross-linking.  Thank you for your assistance.


    Bob Riddell


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