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Everything posted by TheDan

  1. Buying new it is then. Thank you all for your incredible insight and information.
  2. Maybe this deserves another thread but what would be the best way for someone new to radios to buy on ebay. I can look at positive seller rating and can confirm the information about the radio that is being sold but what else should be looked at?
  3. No I wouldn't buy an airsoft barrel because it won't shoot .338 Lapua or 6.5 Creedmoor. Leave it to my addled brain to not fully understand what you mean with your ebay comment. Are you suggesting that I don't buy from ebay? I was probably going to buy new for warranty reasons but wouldn't mind second hand if the price was right.
  4. Barrels aren't so bad, unless it's a Proof Research. Glass isn't so bad either, they are just real expensive if you want quality just like radios. Just to get it back to radios, I'm guessing the antennas that come with the Motorola's are fine to start with. Should I look at other antennas or are the stock ones that come with the radios are fine.
  5. I appreciate the heads up on Hytera, I will put them in the "do not do business with" list. I am keeping an eye open for the ham test online. I hear they are doing it but every time I look it is always full. Either way I need to save up for the radios even if I do find them used. I better start looking for a side hustle, not sure what's worse, high end radios or high end rifle scopes and barrels. Man I need to find cheaper hobbies.
  6. Awesome, thanks for all the help guys. Just one more thing if you don't mind. During my trip down the rabbit hole I came across this radio: Hytera PD482i G BT. Any thoughts about it? Am I getting too lost in the weeds? Motorola is still my top choice, but I'm just looking around while I collect my pennies saving up for them. I like the Bluetooth option and from what I can see DMR format seems to be the way digital radio is going so it looks nice on paper. Just wondering if anyone had any experience with them.
  7. What specific models should I look at for the ICOMs and the Kenwoods? Handhelds and portables. I have some familiarity with ICOM but that seems like a lifetime ago at this point. Thanks for the advice you two.
  8. So I am about to jump into GMRS and I am looking for advice on equipment. I am currently looking at Motorola since they are spoken highly of here. The XPR 7550e and the XPR 7580e are the top of the line for handhelds. Just starting out these seem like a bit much for me. My question is would the XPR 3500e be a better fit for some one starting out. I don't have much of a background in radios, some experience with ICOMs and MBITRs but that was a while ago. I understand the "buy once, cry once" concept but the XPR 7550e seems way above my skill level. The XPR 3500e looks like a better fit. Am I wrong in thinking this way? Any advice would be appreciated. Oh and for portables I'm looking at the 5550e and the 5350e. Any direction there would be great too.
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