I have been trying to get this 97s repeater to connect from a mobile connection.
This time I have Starlink with a static IP address thru PureVPN. We have opened ports 222 tcp/udp and 4569 UDP only.
I am able to ssh into the PI but not able to connect properly with the MYGMRS system.
What am I missing? I have SIP AGL Passthrough open. Is there another protocol or something I need to allow?
What is the IP that my node connects to?
I have been able to connect to my new repeater, but I am unable to communicate between the two repeaters with my radios.
DTMF does not work at this point! i was able to make the connection via the manage option https://network.mygmrs.com/manage/“node number"
Not an SDR! I have a Raspberry PI running Asterisk connected to a Kenwood TKR-820. My second repeater is an RT97s also connected to an RPI running asterisk.
I need assistance setting up asterisk to identify the repeater on air and how to configure asterisk to allow me to connect and disconnect my repeaters using DTMF commands. It is my understanding these settings are configurable is asterisk but I do not have the knowledge to make the required changes.
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list comment first line and add 'deb http://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian/ stretch main contrib non-free rpi'
Run sudo apt-get update
Edit repeaterfinder.sh with your node number and password
Run ./repeaterfinder.sh from the home directory
The install should work now
I just purchased a portable repeater. I have an existing repeater node 23509 that in the past I could connect to other nodes. Today I cannot connect to any to the repeaters near me.
When I key *3 (any repeater) connection fails, but I can hit the hub *3176!
Please advise