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  1. I have been testing out radios and antennas for the past few weeks. I have now reached the conclusion, after consulting with some experienced GMRS people, that I live in a "dead zone". I have 2 repeaters that are both roughly 40 miles from me in 2 different directions. I have no issues when I am away from my house transmitting. I want to set up a good base station and I am looking for suggestions. 40 miles may be to much of a stretch, but I figured I would at least ask. I have been looking at putting an antenna up behind my house that would be about 30 feet in the air, but it would require a long run of cable to get back to the house. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I think you misunderstood what I said. I know I am not saving any money. What I said is by not having to pay for a pole, that money will be put towards the coax.
  3. Thanks for the ideas and suggestions. You guys helped me with a few things I did not think of. I will probably go with the pole because it is already there and that will save me a little money. Thanks WRAK968 for the suggestions of using junction boxes. That will help me greatly. The money I save by not having to buy a pole and put it up can be used to buy the needed coax. I do like the portable pole, but I want this to be a permanent fixture. I'll try to remember and post pictures of the process once I start putting this together.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I can't mount one on my house because of restrictions. The pole and the tree are on property behind my house and both would be hid from the neighborhood. I have thought about mounting one in my attic, but I like the idea of it being outside and up higher. As for mounting it, I have access to a bucket truck so there is no issue getting up the pole or the tree.
  5. Hello! I am new to GMRS and I am looking to put up an antenna behind my house. I have a pole and a tree that I can use, but both are about 150 feet from the house. Both are about 30 feet tall. I am estimating I need about 200 feet of cable to connect to an antenna and run into my house. I was thinking about a GP-1 or GP-3 antenna. I am confused about what coax I need to use. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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