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  1. I would also recommend the Surecom Simplex Repeater. It works very well and is a lot of fun because it records your transmission and then sends it. So you get to listen to yourself. A good training tool also for pausing after pressing the PTT before talking and pausing before releasing the PTT. All for around $100.00!
  2. I will wait for the 701G.
  3. What Blackmar401 said.
  4. davidrayt

    New To GMRS

    I had a few false starts also getting into GMRS. I bought a Slim Jim to use in my apartment that will not work but when SHTF I can probably use it out in the wilderness. And like wayoverthere said I use my UV-5R for monitoring and scanning so all in all it isn't a total waste. Knowledge is priceless - any way you can get there.
  5. So I see that Nagoya now has a 701G HT antenna that is supposed to be tuned to GMRS frequencies only. Anybody got ahold of one yet?
  6. I am communicating with people on the repeater with my stock antenna for the Btech MGRS V1. So I am happy. The slim jim will go in my bug out bag and when SHTF we will see if it works. Until then I am done with it. However I do have a Nagoya coming so we will see if that improves things. Thank you for all your suggestions.
  7. OK. So the slim jim doesn't work. I have seen UHF only ribbon Slim Jims and was wondering if I could cut this dual band slim jim down to a UHF only slim jim?
  8. Thank you for your replies. I will be trying the Slim Jim hanging from the ceiling two feet from the refrigerator and two feet from the range. This is exactly where I stood to hit a repeater that is seven miles away with just my HT without an external antenna. So I am excited to see how it works. I am going to try to hit two other repeaters. One is 15 miles away and the other is a little further than that.
  9. I am a newbie working on setting up my ribbon slim jim inside my apartment as I cannot mount an outside antenna. Everyone talks about keeping it away from metal objects but how far away? I need to use the antenna in my kitchen which of course has a refrigerator and range that are curiously made of metal. I also would like to know which part of the antenna radiates. The top or the bottom?
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