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    San Juans

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  1. I am awaiting a review from a overland buddy who has the new MXT5XXs. The 575 is exactly what I have been waiting for and will be placing that order once it's officially out.
  2. I heard similar about the 575 as well. I am really stoked for the compact factor of the 575, albeit a larger version of the 275.
  3. What part of the country do you live in? Often, there may be a repeater, or repeater systems, near you and setting up wouldn't be that hard. In Colorado, I just had to reach out to a gentleman that managed repeaters to get the current information. On the other side of the state, I needed to join a group (just an online setup, no $, to help control access to their repeaters) to get the information.
  4. According to some Amazon listings: This is from the seller, but who knows in actuality util you receive it. I have heard of some ordering these and getting a UV-5R that CHIP sees as a 5R and can transmit on more than just GMRS frequencies. Sounds like sellers on Amazon are trying to comply (or give a front of it) with FCC. On the topic of antennas, I have used the Nagoya 701C and confirm it works well with the GMRS bands. However I did not know of a 771-G. Now off to research that... Thanks!
  5. Do you know anyone in your area you can test it with? If not, do you have a repeater nearby that you can listen into and then test transmission? We have multiple GMRS radios and testing wasn't an issue with the radios for us. Testing repeater config is a different step, our nearest IP linked repeater (to form a large area) is about an hour's drive away. But we are rural Colorado.
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