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Everything posted by srbecker

  1. I cannot get mygmrs to work on my tapatalk, any advice? lol
  2. There must have been something up with or wrong with the cables I had then. I got some of those right angle RG-58 jumpers from Amazon and my SWR went from 1.03 up to 1.32 on repeater channels and then from 1.79 on simplex channels to 2.24 after those cables. I didnt like that much, so I ended up returning them and went back to the LMR-400 jumpers I have in the photo above. With that I am getting 1.00 on repeater channels and 1.79 on simplex channels. I think I am going to just order up a 4' jumper of something a little more flexible and run it (removing the SWR meter) from a full time install to just when needed since I already know I am getting a good SWR.
  3. Pretty simple. I am looking for what you all recommend to run as a jumper(s) from my radio base station to my SWR meter, then from my meter to my bulkhead that my antenna is connected to OR straight from radio to bulkhead if I decide to take out the SWR meter. I am currently using 2' long LMR-400 jumpers and I get a GREAT SWR with them, BUT they are super stiff and very difficult to deal with as far as cable management. I am looking for something a little more flexible, unless everyone says to just leave it as is and not mess with a good thing?
  4. I completely understand the frequency range and types, but to clarify the part 95. If I went with the "other" type, I can get full Ham capabilities if and when I get my tech license, however, it will NOT comply with GMRS and part 95, correct? So in order to stay legal, I need to sacrifice some of the Ham frequencies to get the K type which has the part 95 cert???
  5. Just shot you a PM n4.
  6. Thank you Lscott!!! If I am not mistaken, I need the -K specifically to be GMRS part 95 certified, correct? Sorry for the stupid question, still learning the Kenwoods and the suffixes.
  7. I am starting to like this 8180 option!!! I just didnt fully understand them honestly, so I was steered away from them because I thought they were too simple and not feature packed. This however may just fit my needs honestly!!! Now I have to find a good one, get a programming cable, and find the software!!! Thanks a bunch n4gix!!!!
  8. So the radio I am leaning most towards as far as Kenwood (I also still am considering the 1000g, 50x1, or Midland MXT400 to name a few), is the Kenwood TK-8180-K. This is part 90 and 95 certified. What I dont know about Kenwood is the channels. Does the display only show Channel 1-22 or 1-30? Can you name the channels? For example, Channel 24 aka a repeater channel of 462.575, can that be renamed to Attica Repeater? Can I store multiple repeaters on the same frequency but different PL tones? Can I add PL tones to the simplex GMRS channels? I ask that last question because my sons Retevis came preprogrammed with PL tones on the GMRS channels, so I match mine to that so I can talk with his radios.
  9. Good to know and thank you for confirming! I dont have any locally on the same frequency anymore as there was but one of them moved to an open frequency. That being said, my biggest gripe would be if I named the repeaters (can you do that?) then when I travel, I either have to program with a computer to change the name, or just leave the name, but change the PL tone temporarily for the trip and deal with it being labeled wrong. I am not 100% sure that this gripe/issue/feature is worth that much waiting and the extra $120 though. If the Btech works as advertised and people are happy with it, I am tempted to give it a shot. It is considered a CCR still in some people's books and based on reviews doesnt transmit near to its advertised power and also has a near useless squelch according to Notarubicon. Hearing those things make me question if I want to get one or not. It looks like a sweet radio though with a very useful and feature rich screen! I am so torn. A lot of people recommending Kenwoods too but I am at a loss with those because most of them do not seem part 95 certified and the ones that are you have to buy used and none of them seem to be able to do any of these features...
  10. Ugh!!! The Wouxun KG-1000G is now up to $369.99!!! That is insane and starting to push my budget. That being said, what other options are out there that are similar? BTech 50X1? I am looking for these features: be able to scan other frequencies outside of GMRS (my son loves listening to the fire fighters) Listen to/monitor 2 stations so I can listen to a repeater and my sons GMRS channel simultaneously program with free software like native software or CHIRP. I prefer not to use Kenwood strictly because of this reason program multiple repeaters using the same frequency but different PL tones - The reason is we camp and I would like to have my home (base) repeaters programmed in, but not have to change those when we go camping to a place that has repeaters using the same frequency. I would like to just add that frequency to another channel and add the new PL tone I think the Btech 50X1 is a decent radio from what I have read, BUT it does not do that last bullet from my understanding. I would assume if my $40 Radioddity could add that feature with a simple firmware update, that so could Btech, but will it ever actually get added? Is it just smarter to pay the extra $50 and wait 1 month + for the Wouxun? Any input is greatly apprecaited!
  11. Well damn! No disrespect to anyone, but that answer makes the most sense to my simplistic mind yet lol. Fair enough. So, invest in a mobile unit that can double as a base, and a GOOD antenna setup is my new goal I guess. Worry about myself, not appeasing my friends lol
  12. Thank you BoxCar! I live in a pretty flat area of the country. There isn't much difference in elevation and no major hills like you would see in a mountainous or hilly area. The biggest obstacles for us are going to be foliage and infrastructure such as houses. Line of sight from my house to their houses don't even really have major buildings or sky scrapers, just housing and trees, so my hopes are that a decent height antenna running at 30-50 watts will reach 9-10 miles.
  13. Hello all. Its me again with probably another stupid question, but here it goes. Some buddies and I are looking to pitch in and build a budget friendly repeater, install it at my house and hope it reaches all of us. Most of us are within 8-9 miles from my house and I am pretty central to everyone. We are not looking for anything state of the art, but obviously want something that works. Here is the plan so far, but I need help modifying said plan. Repeater: Retevis RT97 (been told it is a decent repeater for personal/private use) Antenna: Need help Antenna Pole/mount: Need help Grounding plan: Need help Coax type: Need help The plan is to install a mast attached to the side of my chimney that will extend about 10' higher than my chimney. This would likely give me roughly 50' or so for my antenna. I will then run the coax and grounding line down the chimney and into the basement where the repeat will be. I will have the repeater plugged into an outlet that is on my generator switch so if power does go out, the repeater will boot back up after a minute. What I really need help with is choosing the type of coax cable, determining how to mount my antenna mast, which antenna to get and a WIRING DIAGRAM that shows all of this and how I should connect it. Any help/assistance is very much appreciated and your opinions are very much welcome as I am pretty new to GMRS. If this is a stupid idea, simply say so, I can handle the truth lol.
  14. Thanks everyone! I kinda took advice here and over at radioreference and decided to consolidate my radios in a sense. I am going to keep my UV9G on order and use that as my main handheld that I use to scan and carry when camping, hiking and hunting. That offers more than the GM-30's in terms of features as well as water resistance. I also plan to return my GM-30s since I am still in the return window with Amazon, so that will put $80 back into my pocket that I can put towards a mobile unit, if/when I am ready to make that purchase. My big dilemma is that I am not 100% sure I will use a mobile unit all that much. A handheld might suit my uses better unfortunately. The mobile unit is just enticing to me because of the added power it can put out over a handheld. I still have my sons Retevis radios and my Midland hunting radios that both can be used on GMRS and FRS and also be used as lenders to family and friends when needed. I really have no use for 3 handhelds such as two GM-30s and the UV9G, so it makes sense to just keep the better of those radios. Good plan or nah?
  15. Thank you sir for your input! I appreciate that! I follow your YouTube channel and you are a big influence as to why I chose GMRS over HAM, also why I have a UV9G on order, and own the GM-30. I think GMRS was the smartest choice for 90% of my uses, but part of me questions the need for the UV9G when I already have GM-30s, and I also question the need for a mobile station AND 3 handhelds.... I also question their uses in a true SHTF scenario as none of said radios will communicate on anything other than GMRS as far as I understand. It makes me think I should maybe pick up a CCR like BaoFeng for a SHTF bag so I can communicate with people if needed outside of the GMRS bands. Im a mess, I know and maybe confused at the same time as to what my true intentions are, but I am pretty confident that GMRS was the best choice based on camping, local repeaters, hunting and so on.
  16. So I am kinda combining a few different threads here to collect information specific to my interest. I am debating adding a mobile unit to my truck, but I have so many questions before I commit! 1. What is a good unit if I am to install one? Midland MXT115 or MXT400? 2. What is a good antenna? 3. Can I use a drive through car wash like Delta Sonic with the antenna on my truck or do I have to remove it everytime? 4. What is the usability of GMRS in a vehicle? By this I mean compared to CB? Is there a designated channel people use on the road like truckers used to use with CB? 5. What kind of setups do people have (specifically in a Silverado if possible)? Any photos of your radio or antenna installs? Wire management? I apologize for all the questions. I have handhelds currently and I am kinda enjoying using them, but I find reception poor sometimes with the handhelds especially in my truck, so having one in there seems like common sense, but at the same time I worry about a mobile unit being installed and then getting a new truck or it being permanently installed and only useable in the truck... I am also considering just an antenna to connect to my handheld while in the truck, but I am a wire freak and cannot stand exposed wiring, so that seems like a much less likely scenario. We do camp often with our travel trailer and I hunt, so having a radio in my truck may not be the worst idea. I just want to do my research, make sure it is a smart investment and usable before I do anything. Thank you everyone in advance for any assistance!!! Sean WRMG408
  17. Dang! Thank you! That is some crazy stuff!
  18. So I searched both google and here but no one seems to really even mention it. What is CALLID? Every GMRS radio I have used so far, BaoFeng, Radioddity, Retevis all have a menu item called CALLID and sometimes it is 80808 by default, sometimes it changes to 12345 once I write channels to it, but what is it? What is the significance of that number and how can I use it productively?
  19. I just ordered this radio. I am pretty excited for it and will follow this forum so I can learn of any tips or tricks you guys post about.
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