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    mesa az
  • Interests
    computers. radio.

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  1. I have one of those Phantom Laird. Still trying it out. Seems to work ok.
  2. having similar issues with mine too. contacting btwr to see what to do.
  3. ok looking for advice or whatever on this radio. I have it installed but it seems I cant hear audio from repeater channels unless I open squelch all the way. seems to lose the tone settings too. I have reset the unit and reapplied the programming. what am I doing wrong, new antennas that worked fine with the Kenwood I had in the truck. I bought this because I heard how great it was. Its not blowing my skirt up at this point. Grant WRMG740
  4. just ordered me one. I have a pair of gmrx1000 midlands. but since I have my license wanted to step up and try these. Hoping the repeaters will work in my Mesa Az area. Grant
  5. just got my license a few days ago. looking to get more info.

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