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  1. wrci350's post in Radio set to a tone for tx & rx receives no-tone transmissions on same channel was marked as the answer   
    I do not have a DB20-G, but I think I know the answer anyways so I downloaded and installed the Radioddity CPS, which is very similar to the software for a number of other Chinese radios.
    If you are using the software, hit the ">>" under "More" for the channel you are trying to configure and it will bring up a dialog with all the parameters.  Right under the "CTCSS/DCS Decode" and "CTCSS/DCS Encode" boxes, you'll see one called "Squelch Mode".  Set it to "CTCSS/DCS".
    If you are programming by hand, look for the corresponding menu item and change it from "Carrier" to "CTCSS/DCS".
    Please let us know if that fixes the issue.  If you've already done that, then I would say the firmware has a bug, since it's opening squelch for any signal (carrier) rather than only for one with that Decode tone.
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