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  1. I have the same radio. I too had issues such as yours. Solution. Turn off the PL or DPL on RX. Not all repeaters choose to transmit a PL/DPL. Needing one to get in is almost a given. However, the outputs do not always repeat the tone. To make matters worse, most repeater listings are not kept up to date. So even though it says it is supposed to be TXing a tone, it may not. Radio is fine. You just have to go check repeaters in VFO mode manually to verify weather or not they are indeed TXing the tone before adding it to Channel mode.
  2. UPDATE!! As of 4/15/2015, I have the repeater on the air in Greenacers, FL. I was right about the RSS software needing to be Ericsson version. So we are not booming yet. Only 17 watts out of duplexer into 20 foot ground plane for now. So, how did I finally find the code? I was searching Ebay for my model number regularly in an effort to find someone who might have the same one. Thinking maybe they have the right RSS. And Bang! Found a guy who is also a fellow Ham and GMRS lic holder who was parting out his blown DRC-200 for parts. I told him my story and he setup an FTP download just for me on his website. Used it with my cable I had purchased from RFguys.com and was on the air that night. Thank God for a good fellow member of 2 hobbies willing to help out a guy with a 12+ year old machine. Now, on to the upgrades! Thank you Pastor Gary and everyone on here. If you ever come across another person needing RSS for a GE DRC-200, just let me know. I'll be happy to pay it forward. Bill
  3. I guess that's what I get for buying a 12 year old machine.
  4. Yes Pastor Gary. That is indeed the correct software I am looking for. I contacted those guys and they said that RF Guys have good cables. So I bought one. I have that now. But for the love of God I can find no one that has the correct software. So now I have a fully assembled repeater with antenna in the air but can't use it because the previous owners call sign is in the IDer and it's not on my pair and tone. Very frustrated. Best I can is use it in base station mode as simplex radio on 462.650.
  5. Thanks for the reply Zap. My problem now is not the PC. The software I bought was misrepresented as being able to program a GE DRC-200 repeater. It is Relm software. Relm made the DRC-200 for GE. However, GE has code in the controller that will only talk to GE Ericsson RSS made for the DRC-200. I can't find that software anywhere. So I am stuck until I can.
  6. Than you Pastor Gary. Here is an update on the project. The repeater, software, and cable (from RF Guys.com) are all in house now. Current challenge I'm facing is obtaining a copy od DOS to run the software. I tried Free DOS, but it will not read or write to unit. Although it prg software does seem to detect that the unit is connected. I was told to get a true DOS loaded and to use a CPU slow down program to slow the clock speed down to around 120Mhz. So the fun continues. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for all your help. Bill.
  7. Thank you Pator Gary. I have software on it's way to me that I bought off Ebay. It's actually for Relm DRU2501 but will work for the DRC-200 because Relm built the DRC-200 for GE. It is the same exact unit. Problem, is that I can only find the programming cable from RFguys.com and have not heard good things about there reliability. Thank you for your help. Hopefully some other members can shed some light. Bill.
  8. I have a used repeater on it's way to my place. DRC-200 GE Ericsson. I am looking for a programming cable. Have software on the way. Was going to order from RFguys.com but another GMRS operator recently had issues with them. Just need to change frequency and callsign, PL, etc. Any advice appreciated. Bill.
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