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  1. That may very well be the one. According to the coverage area it comes mighty close to the area I was in. I’ll send them a request and see if I can get on. Thanks.
  2. I was driving home tonight In the Kissimmee/St Cloud area of Central Florida, scanning the channels as I usually do and I get a lot of chatter on 462.7250. Listening to the conversation, I find that the repeater was in the Lakeland area. I tried to break into the conversation on both 462.7250 and 467.7250 thinking it might be an open repeater, with no luck. So when I got home, I jumped on here and pulled up the map for local repeaters. I couldn’t find anything in the Lakeland area that lists enough wattage to reach me in the St Cloud area. Obviously it’s not listed with this group but there were at least a half dozen participants in the conversation. They obviously didn’t know each other, other than by call signs because one made a point of announcing he didn’t know anyone by name/handle. I would really like to find out more on this repeater and possibly join. But don’t really know where else to find any information other than the map and repeater links here on my gmrs.com. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
  3. So, when I’m scanning and it stops on 15, what I’m picking up may or may not be from a repeater? And if I reply on 15 I won’t be transmitting on the repeater and probably won’t be heard.
  4. This is still pretty new to me but I thought that in order to tx/rx on the repeaters I had to be tuned to that specific repeater channel. When I accessed one of the local repeaters I had to be tuned to channel 15r (not ch15) with the specified pt tone.
  5. I just got my Midland MXT275 installed in my truck and got the repeater channels turned on and programmed the PT codes for the channels I’ll be using. However, I noticed that when I put the radio on scan, it doesn’t scan the repeater channels. Am I missing something? Or is that not a function of this radio?
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