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Everything posted by rlford665

  1. Thanks for all the responses! Had no idea GMRS was so unstandardized from a channel numbering standpoint. Will have to carry the Midland cheat sheet with me on the road until its burnt into memory.
  2. I am new to this hobby, but it looking at your repeater directories/map, why do you list the repeater by frequency rather than channel number. If I’m looking for a repeater and I find the one I’d like to try why doesn’t it just say channel 15 repeater and then put in the tone, why do you have to force a person to go to a look up table to cross reference the frequency to a channel? You could just put the channel number in parentheses next to the frequency. if I’m not mistaken, all of the radios have channel numbers on their display not frequencies. please advise if I am missing something, thank you!
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