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Posts posted by goodoz

  1. I'm experiencing a strange issue.  The "A" side of my radio is working fine but the "B" side will only transmit...not receive on GMRS frequencies.  It "does" receive Ham frequencies (I monitor several 2M repeaters in my area).  It won't receive in simplex or on a repeater.  Since it's receiving 144mhz freq's I'm wondering if I accidentally messed up a menu setting?

    All tones are disabled on both sides of the transmission.


    Any suggestions??

  2. 13 minutes ago, OffRoaderX said:

    I have been told that guy on youtube is a shill..

    As for the squelch, it really depends on where you are/how much RF noise there is around you, but pretty much yes, set the squelch to just above the noise-floor, and the radio will stay perfectly quite until it receives a signal.  BUT, if you set it too low, and drive through an area with a lot of RF noise, you're going to hear the noise - this will happen on any radio to some extent, but it is usually less of an issue on higher quality radios.

    Thanks, Randy...I think I'll give one a try with your link.  I was hesitant because sometimes the other SOCs I have can't be silenced no matter where the squelch is set...it's not constant...I'm sure you know what I'm talking about (annoying!).  The UV9Gs are outstanding.  Much appreciation for your web info.


  3. I have a Wouxun KG-1000 set up as a base at my home.  It has the "compander" feature.  I also have a pair of KG-UV9G Pro HTs that do not have the compander feature.  This has not been an issue at all for us...comms are just fine for our home and travel use.  As a part of preps, I'm looking to pick up a spare HT (two is one, one is none concept).  Since I like the Wouxun radios, I was considering picking up a KG-935G HT because it has the companding feature.  However, in notarubicon's comparison video between UV9G Pro and 935G he mentioned that the 935G was an SOC radio.  He said it was a well done SOC...no problems.  I also have a pair of Booofung SOC HTs that work well enough but pretty much suck when using car to car because of the squelch dropping in and out.

    Here's my question:

    Is there anyone out there using a 935G who can comment on the quality of the radio squelch?  Can it be set to a low level and stay quiet until it receives a Tx?

    TIA, Jeff

  4. I was setting up some UV9G Pros for repeater channels this afternoon and one of the radios' screen changed colors...for a little while.

    Normally, the screen is an off-white color with bright blue text.  When I unplugged the programming cable from one of them, I notice the screen had turned dark and the font was a lighter blue color.  (it actually looked kind of cool)

    Does anyone have this radio and, if so, has this happened?  Is this a feature I'm missing or did something choke during the programming transfer?

    Everything went back to normal after a power cycle.  I've scoured the manual and can't find anything about manually changing the display.


  5. 1 hour ago, marcspaz said:

    Your SWR should not change with increase in power.  If it does, something is wrong with your system.  Either a bad antenna, bad cable or incorrect length of cable, bad connectors, etc.  You may even have water inside the coax.

    Well it's not water as both ends are indoors (HOA/Attic Install for antenna).  The cable did come terminated in N-Connectors and I have a PL259 converter on each end.  The antenna is a Fong...so I don't think there's anything I can try there.  I'm in very hilly terrain...long mountain ridges 300+ feet higher than the antenna in both directions I need to transmit but I'm still punching through (out to 3 miles which meets "emergency" needs).   Question from a newbie base station operator:  1.37 isn't "terrible," right?  Am I risking damage?  Any ideas are appreciated.

  6. I have a KG1000 connected to an Ed Fong GMRS antenna via a 60Ft length of LMR600 (premade cable).  Its SWR on ch 18 low power is 1.00.  Same channel on high power is 1.37.  Forward power on HI shows 51.04W and rearward shows 1.28W. [double checked just a few minutes ago]

    Monday morning QB'ing here on my choice of LMR600 and why I'm changing it out to LMR400...the LMR600 is simply [physically] too big/heavy and unless you have a way to support it as it feeds into the radio's antenna port, it places too much downward torque stress and may cause damage.

    I think you'll be happy with that combo...KG1000/LMR400/EF GMRS antenna.

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