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Everything posted by Dan21

  1. MichaelLAX, Thank you did not know that about the DB-20G. I did receive that radio today, and the antenna for it should be here tomorrow then have to figure out where to put antenna and make up the coax.
  2. New Licensee here from south west Ohio. Picked up this license for the family. It's back to the learning curve with another type of radio. Hoping to find information that will help with all this crazy stuff.
  3. See haven't had license long and already spending money on radios pair of UV-5X's and a Radioddity DB-20G still need another antenna. Thinking of adding a repeater got 2 within within 20 miles east and west one is open other you have to make request to use. 200 hams in this county but not much GMRS, but in an emergency you use what is available.
  4. I kind of did this Backwards as I've been a Ham for a couple years and have my Extra license and just got my gmrs license Monday. Have HF, 70cm and 2 Meter radios everywhere and had a pair of Audiovox FRS/GMRS walkie talkies in the drawer that hadn't been used in years so decide to get new batteries for them . That lead up to I better get the gmrs license and some better handhelds, then a mobile radio to use as a base which means another antenna going up. It's like the word BOAT break out another thousand. So new to gmrs but did it to get the family on the radio and ope to get to know a few of you.
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