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Everything posted by MR-EDACS

  1. Okay got it working. Also figured out if I do a sudo nano /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf This will bring up the file to change full duplex with repeater control to Full duplex with no telemetry so I can use an external controller. Thanks Again. John WRJG234 Miami
  2. That worked like a charm thank you so much for the help. No just need to figure out how to get the audio level settings and logic state settings for the URI. Thanks John
  3. I have the same problem you have but using WinSCP it will not allow me to save the changes to the /etc/apt/sources.list file says i don't have permission. Thanks John
  4. Never mind found the forms on the web site and submitted for a new node number unless they can tell me what it was. and found the image for P3
  5. Any help on this or is this a list cause. thanks john
  6. Good Evening After moving the family to a new home and finally getting things in order I wanted to get the 725 repeater I have connected to the network. Sometime back I received a node number and some login information when I purchase the SD card with the image on it for the Pi. Well I can't seem to locate it and need to see how I can download an image so I can burn a new SD Card and find out what my node number was and login. Thank You John Vecchio WRJG234
  7. I tried those commands like Audi rot.conf and it tells me command not found. I did a LS command to list everything in the asterisk directory and it shows it there. I am pretty new to Linux so is there a cheat sheet on setting this up. Seems this unit is default as repeater right now . thanks john
  8. Okay thank you I was able to adjust the audio levels and adjust using the service monitor connected to the repeater. Is there any adjustments for changing the courtesy tones and or the ID on it as I am using a controller with a link port on it. I ordered this node a couple weeks ago just finally getting around to setting it up. I like the way the network map is setup to see what’s going on. thanks John
  9. Hello i am working on setting up my node and been trying to figure out how to do the audio settings and tones. Using the URIxB interface to a Motorola Quantar repeater which I have the repeater logic figure out but need to sett the audio levels. I can SSH into the Pi but don’t know how to get into the settings. I went to the Allstar Wiki to look for some sort of guide but it looks like it’s for something different. thanks john wrjg234
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