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  1. i have a tk880 ver.1. im trying to program it using kpg49d and a usb cable. im trying to program in gmrs freqs from several states, some frs frqs. also. im using windows 7. i have wrote the code plug, if thats what you guys call it here. and have uploaded it to the radio. everything seems to work fine, except one thing so far. and i know that im missing a check box someplace, but i cant find it.... i have 3 groups right now, GMRS FL, GMRS GA. and FRS. i can change the groups on the radio but the channel name doesnt show up. it shows the group name, but when i press the channel up or down but, if i remember its c or d button. nothing changes. ive did a search but cant find anything on my question. suggestions. thanks for the help in advance. 73
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