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    Fort Belvoir, VA

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  1. I purchased a RG-58 Coax Cable, 50ft long from the GMRS website. It was listed with the following description: "Retevis RG-58 Coax Cable 50-Ohm 50 Ft". On a separate note, I did find out that the Midland MXT 400 microphone cable is kind of weak in the connector when you pull and stretch the microphone cable. You need to make sure the cable connector is set in firmly or you will not be able to transmit. Since I'm using this radio at home I'm going to see if there is a desk top microphone that can be used with this radio and that probably will be a better solution. Midland probably should look at making the connector better. I have another MXT 400 radio on my wife's car and she told me had a similar issue if she handed the microphone to my son riding on the passenger seat.
  2. Greetings to all that took the time to comment...appreciated. I had some time today to go and take a look at the problem again. I disconnected the antenna and checked the 50Ft coax cable for any issues. Used a multimeter to check for conductivity. The cable appears to be ok with a reading of 3.0 ohms tip-to-tip so I assume is not broken. Attached are some picks showing you the setup (image 5&6 antenna outside), (image 3 radio transmitting on channel 15-notice power meter on radio and reading on SWR meter), (image 0 radio transmitting on channel 4-notice power meter on radio and reading on SWR meter). I can't see what may have been wrong but it looks like the unit is operating fine now. I'll start using my mobile units now to see what kind of range I get from home. Next project will be to find if there are any nearby repeaters and see if I can set my radios up to work through them. Thank you all who took the time to read and comment. Merry Christmas.
  3. Thank you for all of your responses. I went back and re-tuned the antenna for 465MHz and re-checked the reading on the SWR meter. No change. At this point my assumption is that there may be something wrong with the coax cable or the antenna itself. I'll do some checking with my multi-meter to see if the coax cable is broken on the inside or of there is an issue with the connectors. I did nome reading and there seems to be two views on grounding or not grounding the antenna. At this point my antenna is not grounded but I'm not sure if that by itself will have any impact on the SWR reading. Will see how it goes.
  4. I have a jetsream JTW270 SWR Power Meter connected to the antenna cable and that is where the meter reads 4 SWR. I does read 4 only on channels 15-22. On channels 1-7 the SWR reading is below 1.
  5. I installed a new TRAM 1486 Antenna and tuned it to 462MHz per their reference cutting chart. When I transmit with my Midland MXT400 the SWR meter registers 4 in the scale. Did I cut it wrong for GMRS? L1 (444mm), L2 (334mm), L3 (368mm)
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