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  1. Bexar County (e.g. San Antonio metro area)
  2. Thanks for the response. ?
  3. Hello! I'm a GMRS newbie. My forum name is in honor of my dad who passed this summer. TheDeacon was his CB radio handle from the 1970s (KHG9669).
  4. I'm a newbie to GMRS in South Texas. I have a BAOFENG UV-5X, and have noticed that channel 22 in my area is emitting Morse code every 15 minutes on privacy code '0'. I decoded it to "WBE744", and when I looked this call sign up on FCC website it shows ownership by "CAPSTAR TX LLC" with it canceled in 2020. Looking at the details this shows as having been owned by IHeart Radio in Tulsa OK, with radio service type: AS - Aural Studio Transmitter Link. I have several questions related to this: Assuming I decoded the Morse code correctly, would callsigns be re-issued across different radio service types? Assuming I decoded it incorrectly, are GMRS call signs ever 6 characters long (e.g. my callsign is 7). Finally, assuming this is a valid repeater, are they supposed to identify on privacy code '0' every 15 minutes even when not normally transmitting? This gets annoying when monitoring the channel over long time periods. If anyone knows what this is, and can eliminate my guess work I would appreciate it!
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