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Posts posted by WROP601

  1. On 12/19/2021 at 7:34 AM, BoxCar said:

    Look at Cyber Communications in Warwick for one.

    I found a guy.  He helped me out yesterday.  I'm out and up outta the attic and making some real progress, but still not hitting any RI repeaters.  ...that I know of.  That means either they are just blocked from my LOS or nobody's on there to make a connection or they're not powerful enough to make the trip.


  2. 4 hours ago, BoxCar said:

    Try any radio dealer. There should be several within a 100 mile radius selling commercial and public safety radios.

    The sad part is that there aren’t any in the area any more. The only electronics brick and mortar store left in this area is Best Buy and not my favorite. Everything else is mail order. A friend and I are going to go two states away to NH to check out a HAM store. 

    Mail order is good but I miss the days when you could go into a store, get advice, touch, listen and feel before buying. 

  3. Yeah, that's probably what I'll do in the long run, but I have to learn to crawl before thinking about running.  I'm hoping this new acquaintance can help me maximize coverage here, and then I'll start thinking about coverage expansion because it is certainly needed here in RI.

  4. Thank you for the reply.  

    Since this morning, I was able to make contact with a HAM operator who works for a radio communications service. He’s going to swing by Monday and check things out and then help me with a setup that will get me out and up.

    I’ll report back. 

    I would really like to help build up GMRS in the area. If I can get up and out successfully then I may look at setting up a repeater in the future. There is just too much of a gap in RI. 

  5. Hi all

    i hope that I’m not off topic but since it is listed as “Rhode Island”, it seems pretty general. 

    I’m in RI. I just installed a base station with an antenna in my attic BUT it’s not getting enough signal to hit any of the very few repeaters listed. 

    So, I need to go to plan B which is to get the antenna up and outside. I’m looking for a good antenna installer that can give me some guidance and do a proper install. 

    Does anyone know of such a company in this area or a source of where to look?  Doing a search on the topic brings back very few results and most of those are TV installs. Jeez. People are using radios. You’d think that someone would be installing antennas. 


    Thank you 


  6. Hi folks

    I'm pretty new to GMRS.  I just setup a KG-1000G with a Tram 1486 in the attic.  Although I can get to shorter distances, I'm losing too much to get to the closest repeater.  A friend lives about a mile away from me and can reach the repeater with a magnetic mount car antenna stuck to the top of his AC outside.  I have this 5' antenna in my attic but it's not cutting it.  We have very few repeater in the area... 

    So, I'm considering plan B.  I have an overhang on the edge of my roof, so one consideration is to get a good solid wall bracket.  I'd need about a 16-18" standoff.  I'd like to hike it up beyond the roof peak at least 10'.

    Another consideration is to get a roof mount and put it up top. 

    Any recommendations on solid mounts?  If I'm going to start poking holes, I'd rather do this once if I can help it.

    Thank you

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