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Everything posted by KT8R

  1. Success in programming. Second cable was functional. Watch Amazon! Thanks to all of you who patiently offered help. 73
  2. My bad, it would show in Device Manager if the computer recognized the radio/chip. No conflict is shown. I am using the recommended cable, so either the chip was bad/missing or the dang computer is being weird.
  3. Thanks for all the input, I've basically have to agree it is Windows 11. I used the recommended cable, software (GM30) and as one person stated, "it doesn't acknowledge the radio". Therefore, I'll just live with it as such. Thanks again. 73.
  4. Nope, I even tried CHIRP. Evidently the updated GM30 software does not allow programming? I'm usually good at this kind of problem, but this one has me ready to use the sledgehammer on it.
  5. WELL, have the proper programming cable. Still will not link to radio. I have the GM30 programming software downloaded. "check com port settings". Regardless there are only 2 choices on the pop up window. Ideas?
  6. Ha! That's what it is! Ok, thank you!
  7. USB cable is the one that came with the GM30. I also have a couple other "heavy duty" USB C cables. The radio works as it should, just can't get the software for programming to change com ports, even though the GM30 software lists 1-20 com ports.
  8. Thanks for the info, I have a new computer, just possible that I have all the available com ports used up with external components, including the Yaesu.
  9. Absolutely. Programming software still gives only 2 com port choices. 4 and 5.
  10. Com port. Yes it is Windows 11. USB 3.0 USB C The software only gives Com 4 or 5. Both are used elsewhere.
  11. Thanks, but it keeps coming up check com port and connections. Changing port or usb cord or location does not change the error message.
  12. With the risk of sounding dumb, what and where can you locate programming software for a GM30?
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