I have gathered all kinds of information thus far, but one thing I am having a very hard time figuring out is how I can make a tall base station antenna mast. The city I live in allows 70ft amateur radio antennas without a special permit, and I think every foot of that would be beneficial for my local terrain. I intend to align it with the peak of my roof (25ft) resting on the concrete patio below. The first 25 ft will be held to the house with probably 3 brackets. Above that I plan to send 2 guy lines anchors to the opposite corners of the roof, and 2 more line anchors down to the ground below. I think the guys will be spaced about every 10 ft (probably 4 points on the mast for the roughly 35 ft of mast above the roof level - then a 9 ft antenna at the top).
Can I use chain link fence top rail for this and drill and but and bolt each joint? The only thing I have seen so far is a telescoping mast that reaches about 44 ft, or a 50ft fiberglass one that hits 50 ft. I cannot find any construction information for a mast this tall.
Thank you in advance for your help.