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Everything posted by WRPI897

  1. Ahh ok tbh I don't even know how much it cost to build and maintain a repeater lol but thank you for the info ig I need to just look at known active repeaters WRPI897
  2. Yes this area of NC is an amazing place but I only work a few miles away from the F-18 repeater and I can't hear anything on it ( probably cause I found it under the stale repeater tab ). And yes but to a point cause I didn't think that the little 5w could hit the Greensboro 675 repeater from mayodan but I did try it closer to stokesdale off of 220. For the tones tho I can only set one tone for both and I can turn the squelch itself off but not the tones off or I won't hit it at all so I'ma deduct that it's just the sight line thing and look for another more powerful radio anyways and see if that will work cause I'm only 10 miles from the F-18 tower at work Thank you for the info and have a great day WRPI897
  3. Ahh ok and the F-18 repeater is over by hanging rock state park which is only a few miles away from where I work if u go to the maps and turn on the stale repeaters it will show up then
  4. Hi everyone I'm a bit new to this but I already have my license but I need some help/ info. I had bought a Motorola for this but it was going to take a long time for it to arrive so I bought the Retevis RB17P with a naygoya NA-771 (15 in ) whip antenna to try and ping repeaters with but idk if there's something in missing or it just don't have enough power output to ping these repeaters. The repeaters I've tried it the F-18 peidmont area, stokesdale 600 , Greensboro 675 which are the only ones that reach out to my house in Mayodan NC. Even when I'm at work in walnut cove NC I can't seem to get my little Retevis to " kerchunk" the F-18 repeater never the less talk on the repeater even when I open the squelch up and try to listen in. I don't know if it just doesn't have the power to hit it or if there's something else in the programming of that radio that preventing me from pinging it but all I know is that I'm lost at this point. Any and all advise and tips that u can give me will be appreciated and hopefully I'll get to hear ya on the air soon WRPI897
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