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Everything posted by WQWD879

  1. So what you're saying is GMRS rules would allow me to do this, but MURS would not allow me to, correct?
  2. Hi everyone, I'm not too familiar with the GMRS laws, but I was hoping someone could tell me if this is legal. I want to set up a repeater for quick communications around my neighborhood. I'm going to put two Baofeng UV-5R's up as the repeater on my top floor connected with a wire. The only problem is the transmission from the output of the repeater will deafen the other one since they're both UHF. My question is, can I set the input frequency to an MURS channel (the handhelds transmitting to the repeater will only be at 2 watts) and set the output to a GMRS frequency? I thought it would be legal since I'm only transmitting MURS from my handhelds at legal power, then retransmitting on GMRS. Can someone help me out here? Thanks! EDIT: The repeater would ID itself every 10 minutes as an old laptop will be put in between the connection with a sound file that has the callsign in voice followed by 10 minutes of silence on a loop. Incoming transmissions are sent to the laptop through the mic input and then it would be sent out with the headphones output.
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