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  1. Sorry for taking so long to respond - but also similar issue...I think I am assuming the receive and transmit should be approximately the same (at the same power) - when they are not. I am going to raise the antenna another 15ft and see if that is the issue. It must be much easier to receive through obstructions than the transmit and raising it will hopefully clear all the houses in the area. Thanks.
  2. Wanted to know if any of you have some suggestions on a home repeater I set up for GMRS. I got a VXR 7000 and I got the duplexer pre-tuned to the freq pair I need and even checked it with VNA and it appears good. The issue is that I cannot get any significant transmit out. I am measuring about 20w after the duplexer and SWR is 1.1 with the equiv of LMR400 coax. I can receive about 8 miles or more in a suburban neighborhood - but only seems to transmit about 1/2 mile... Any ideas what could be the issue? I am at a loss...
  3. I also just picked up a used VXR-7000 (and new to repeaters) and wanted to run a question by the group. I am waiting for the programming cable to come in (so I don't know how it is currently programmed). but when I hit the repeater/base button - the repeater light does not come on. Is this dependent on how it is currently programmed (meaning does a setting have to be flipped before it becomes active?) The light does come on at start up...Also...and this may be due to the current programming - but I cannot change the channel beyond channel 1...this may be due to it having 1 or no channels programmed...but not sure...any insight would be helpful...thanks
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