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  1. So I know this thread is older, but I'm having a similar issue. According to the mygmrs site, the repeater that is close to me, the range "circle" (I know they are not a true circle and are approximate) says its 50 miles, as long as my HT is within range of that "circle", and I key the repeater, I should get a response, right? I'm about 26 miles as the crow flies of the repeater, with a 50 mile radius. Sometimes I can get a response from my house on my HT with the nagoya 771 antenna, from the repeater, sometimes I can't. When I'm in my truck with my DB-20g and ghost antenna, I can hit it no problem. When I attach a magnet mount antenna to my HT, I can get a response, most of the time. seems weird that its spotty like that with the HT, but maybe that's just how the clouds are that day or something. What if I'm just outside the "circle" of the repeater, lets say, a mile. I have good line of sight and my HT should be able to go at least that, if my HT "circle" can overlap the repeater "circle", will I get a response from the repeater?
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