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About WRPS249

  • Birthday April 18

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  • Location
    Southampton, PA
  • Interests
    Computers and Networking, Electronics, Automotive Repair, Mountain biking, Camping, Hiking.

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  1. for a couple hundred bucks you can setup a simplex repeater connected to mygmrs.com network. You will need one at each side, unless there is a pre-existing one within range (and linked to the same region). the link will be a solid as your internet connection is.
  2. WRPS249

    Repeater issues

    make sure your radio is in repeater mode, not simplex mode. Your transmit will be on 467.xxxmhz while the receive will be on 462.xxxmhz, that and the DPL tone should get you on the repeater. don't forget to get permission from the owner/operator of the repeater. hope that helps.
  3. WRPS249

    Long Range GMRS

    Transmitter Wattage, type and height of antenna, type and length of coax, terrain, buildings and structures, etc all play a factor. YMMV
  4. you will need something ~6-12" for the ground plane... stay clear of the antenna with that power output too, when transmitting. YMMV
  5. i bought a pair of the TIDRADIO TD-H5, for the price was like $85, got 2 radios, 2 lapel mic's, 4 batteries that charge via usb-c, couldn't beat it. they push ~4.35watts and work well. you can also swap antenna's on these with a small allan key. I put a 15.5" Nagoya whip on them, and can now make the repeater 3 miles away (couldn't hit it with the OEM rubber ducky)
  6. I am currently running XTS2500's for HT's and am running an XTL1500 as my home base station. You need to make sure you setup your radio right, mine was configured when I bought them, but after looking at the settings, with CPS, I found they got a lot of things wrong. if you have any problems of questions, hit me up.
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