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xShadowx last won the day on December 16 2015

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    Indianapolis, IN
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  1. can do, thanks, found some connectors and cables to get me to BNC for about $17, gonna order it all on payday
  2. thanks, looks like a lot better unit than what I was seeing, are the so-239 the same as the pl-239 connectors? i was going to convert/adapt to bnc for ease to use to match my radio systems
  3. I have a nagoya NA-771 on it now, was looking at a Diamond, but reviews were mixed and it was twice the price
  4. So i have been looking a VSWR for measuring power output and reflected power, but most of the ones I have seen are either super low quality or way too expensive. Can I just put my multimeter on the radio concacts and measure the wattage output? also any reccomendation on decent VSWR meter under $100. half the ones om amazon dont list the meter connection type.
  5. yeah, I'm in law enforcement and have a issued radio (motorola XTS 5000) with all the police/fire/ems channels already, my main concern is the channels I listed, probably should have mentioned it. not as much fun listening to them when its a part of your job, too much like work, the GMRS is more recreation to me.
  6. Hey, I mostly am tinkering around with GMRS but was looking for a scanner so that I could listen in a little better. the scan function on my radios is pretty poor. I was mostly looking at GMRS/FRS, MURS, 2m, 60cm, and CB in a handheld. I really cant justify dropping maybe more than $120 and i would prefer to keep it under 100 if I can. Amazon had the uniden BC75XLT, the Whistler WS1010, and the uniden BC125AT are the only handhelds showing. will either of these be ok for my basic use, what are my other options? note: not interested in police/fire/ems, in in the law enforcement field and its too much like work, plus I already have a issued radio (Motorola XTS500) and I can listen to pretty much whatever I want.
  7. Hey, I picked up a Baofeng UV-5r which I am using as a scanner. I noticed in the CHIRP software under settings/other settings that I can change the upper and lower VHF/UHF frequencies. I was hoping to be able to listen to 800mhz range frequencies as that is what our local law enforcement use. Basically, it is a work/not work issue or is is a kill the radio/just not like it scenario?
  8. can you elaborate? I have seen several mobile repeater setups with 2 radios in hard plastic cases or metal ones with antennas mounted directly to the boxes, they seemed to be operating without issue from what I could see. would be using different input output frequencies. rould using a delayed repeater box resolve this issue vs using 2 radios? I was looking as doing something similar using 650
  9. I applied for my GMRS licence on and received my licence and call sign in about 2 business days. that was right around 10/10/2015. Don't know about a paper certificate or anything, i just checked my status on the FCC website and saw it came through.
  10. I thought the old RC stuff was running 27mhz, all the new stuff is 2.1ghz
  11. Just kind of a curiosity I want to see how they perform and what their limits are, I know they are not going to be anywhere close to GMRS or FRS. Just a fun project.
  12. I was at my parents a couple days ago and my dad had found my old walkie talkies in storage and gave them back to me. have not had a chance to get them out yet but thought I would share. Next off days I'm gonna grab some 9v batteries and take them for a spin. http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn107/jon321rogers/DSCN9069.jpghttp://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn107/jon321rogers/DSCN9071.jpghttp://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn107/jon321rogers/DSCN9072.jpghttp://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn107/jon321rogers/DSCN9074.jpghttp://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn107/jon321rogers/back%20plate.jpg
  13. I know only 1 person can talk on a given frequency at any given time. That said if you have 2 pairs or radios on the same frequency running different privacy codes what is the effect. if you have 2 radios transmitting at the same time on the same frequency i know the stronger signal wins. with that said if you have different privacy codes set how does that work, would there be able to be 2 conversations at the same time on the same frequency due to the privacy codes since the radios only listen for that pl tone?
  14. Running a portable simplex, stated power is 5W, but the declared power on the FCC site is 5.33w so I am assuming its less than 5 due to loss in the antenna. I am also in a large city of about 852 thousand people.
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