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  1. Thank you Pastor Gary. ASRM, Ok, I am looking for a hand held option that will allow my family and I to communicate through repeaters if necessary. This is more of a hobby than anything else and I am simply intrigued with the networked repeater idea and would like to explore some of the capabilities. I don't have much experience in this realm but would like to dive straight into it. Most of my experience I fo have comes from my Military background in communications as a JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller). We work 2 to 512 Mhz and occasionally into L band communications for some ad hoc networking. I enjoy radio communications and would like to expand my knowledge base into GMRS and HAM. I have narrowed my search down to a 2 radios I think will suit my needs. Please see Motorola and Kenwood models above in this thread. I'm simply looking for some experience users to give advice on which radio (or suggest another radio) that might fit my needs. My price point is under 500 per unit. Thank you. Please let me know if I need to add some additional details -Matty
  2. OK, After doing a little of my own research I've kinda narrowed it down to 2 radio prospects. Motorola RDX RDU 4160d Kenwood TK-3402-U16P They both come in at pretty much the same price point and capability. It appears the Kenwood pushes a full 5W but other than that I don't see any real difference. I'm looking for some of the experienced users to chime in if able and give some solid advice on perhaps which brand is better (I know there are probably a lot of opinions and debate. I'm not trying to go there). I'm trying to find some of the more finer details like perhaps one might be preferred over the other because of easy of programming or battery life... Thanks guys -Matty
  3. Zap, Ok good information if I understand the first part correctly. So you are saying there are radios that allow simplex and duplex at the same time? Cool feature I could see the advantage even if it's selectable and not simultaneous. Now for the second part, I'm not certain what true FPP is. Thank you again for your time. -Matty
  4. Zap, I guess conventional batteries are not a show stopper. I would just prefer the option for convenience mostly and an alternate way to power the radios. I would like the option to program the radios from the radio without having the use software. Again, I really don't think this is not a showstopper, only a preference. For your last question I am simply looking for a short and medium range commutations for my family and I. I'm interested mostly as a hobby. Thank you so much for your time. Do you have a radio make/model or group of radios you would recommend? -Matty
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