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Posts posted by Bompagene

  1. I had the same problem. Contacted Radioddity support and they were very helpfull. Here's what they sent me and it works:

    Hey Eugene,


    This is Leslie from Radioddity customer service. Please try the step below:


    Extract the files in the archive.


    Download the support files from this link:



    Extract the files from the support files archive


    Copy the DB25_GMRS_CPS.exe file from the original archive into the folder where the support files are extracted to


    Open the DB25_GMRS_CPS.exe app.


    If it still does not find the files, Right-Click on the DB25_GMRS_CPS.exe file and choose Run as administrator.




    Radioddity Support Team

  2. I've searched high and low trying to figure out how to turn off the backlight  on the microphone. The manual (in chinglish) is no help. All knowing Google is no help. Even YouTube had nothing. Anybody have a clue? Not only is it distracting when not actually using the buttons, but prompted law enforcement to ticket a local operator for using a handheld device while driving. He took it to court, the judge upheld the infraction.

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