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Posts posted by jhagen

  1. Hello all,


    I'm a newly liscensed GMRS operator, and I'm also a computer programmer by trade.


    I'm looking to add the GMRS repeater DB here to my scanner so that it can let me know when there is local chatter as I travel around the state. My scanner has a GPS attached and only searches for "nearby" radio sources. It displays the location, name,  PL tone, and if it is an "open" or "closed" system when it picks up a signal so I can easily join in from my GMRS radio in the Jeep without having to look up the local repeaters all the time when I travel. I use the same system for ham repeaters since CA has ~2500 2m/70cm repeaters and there isn't any ham transcievers with that much memory.


    I could go to the California page here and program all 153 repeaters in by hand, but that would be no fun. I'd much rather write a program to do it for me, that and re-running the program can keep my scanner in sync with the DB.


    I've registered here and found the repeater directory at:


    This endpoint, however, returns a HTML blob. In order to get all the repeater details I'd need to parse that HTML, deref the links inside, and fetch the details of each repeater.


    Is there an endpoint that would provide the DB contents in an easier to work with format? Repeaterbook has an "export to CSV" function that I use and then my program parses the CSV file.



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