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Everything posted by WRTP426

  1. Gil I realize this is a dated post, but I am also new to gmrs and trying to learn the manual is weak at best, it describ the functions but limited detail on how to program a repeater channel "manually". I have Apple Mac computers and the software i have seen so far all uses MS .exe executables. I am have the UV-9G radio and also purchased the Midland MXT575. I want them for off road hunting in the Northwoods of Maine. Maine has a lot of repeaters and fully covers the area around my camp by over a 100 miles based on what i found on this site. So my question is two part; first are you aware of any programming software that will run on macOS? and ; second is their understandable video or instruction available to program my handheld manually? I havent even started with the MXT575 yet. Walter WRTP426
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