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  1. Well all this information is great. Just hate dealing with the one local repeater owner, might be working with a friend to get connected to the network. So will see what happens.
  2. What I would like to see is that everyone have the same pl tones in place on the same frequency. So no matter where anyone traveling could talk to anyone.
  3. Thank you for your input. Your set up looks like something I might do.
  4. Well my next step which most likely be in the next few years if not longer I will go for my ham license. I have been a first responder over the years and know how to communicate on one unlike some of the people in my area on GRMS. Now just have to study and find the right radio for the job.
  5. Just watched your video on it. Great information, but unfortunately it will have to wait. A friend and me want to link two repeaters together.
  6. Sorry meant WECOMM. There are a lot here in my home city that will not get into ham radio but a lot more are doing GRMS. Our SkyWarn is on GRMS and ham radio.
  7. Thank you for the great information. like I said at the beginning I am looking at building one, most of the campgrounds I will be taking the family don’t have any repeaters near by or are in range. I cannot even check into the national net from my local repeaters. Hopefully the state of Wisconsin will add grms to the Wiscom system of repeaters.
  8. Both of those set ups look like they would be perfect for my budget. Most of our camping would be either in a campground or a place like that. I do travel to places off the grid and as I can tell there are no repeaters anywhere near where I want to go. A good friend of mine has been a great mentor and well ran this past him. He likes the idea but I will be also possibly making a ham one too
  9. I found some abbree and baufeng radios that are the same way. I would have to program them and only have The repeater set up in them along with a simplex channel. My youngest two are 2 and 8. So only one would be used right now and the other would be a back up
  10. Thank you for the information. Just bought my first radio and well when I do this I will be getting some kid friendly ones and two others
  11. I will look it up. Just starting to look into this, most likely will not have VOiP, more just for the family when at campsites and maybe some other places.
  12. I am looking into and thinking about building a repeater when I go camping with my family. It will be set up in a travel trailer. Just trying to figure out what would be the best way to build such a unit.
  13. Like you I recently got my license. Looking for repeaters in my area and maybe others that I will be driving through. Where both from the same state too.
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