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  1. Genius! ?
  2. I would love to take you up on this! I really don't have any idea on how to compare what works, and what doesn't ... and honestly it's a little frustrating. I got these radios, and my license just for redundant communication between my wife, and I. I am having an impossible time communicating even if we are only a mile apart. As a visual learner, and everyone basically echoing the same thing, and me with zero success...I wonder if this is just hopeless for me haha.
  3. I have contacted all the repeaters for permission, and found a stronger one with a longer range just south of the Herndon one that I will also use to test that said I was good to go. Thanks for all the help everyone, I am going to try fumbling through this some more tonight, but still unsuccessful so far.
  4. So per my manual channel 22 has the same frequency, but do I need to plug the tone into the settings? OR does 22 just automatically associate with that repeater? I have heard that the offset happens automatically, and no need to attempt to program that, but I am having a hard time understanding the tone component, and if I am connected to the repeater or not? Everything just sounds totally silent, and not hearing any other transmissions or communication at all. So how can I tell if there's just no traffic VS. I did something wrong? Is this normal? I have had 0 success less just picking a pre programed channel.
  5. WRHS218 - Thank you for taking the time to respond! I am a total noob, so please bear with me. How do I know if it requires tones? Basically according to mygmrs.com there is a repeater in my area, less than a mile away with a 5 mile radius. "Herndon 550" so I ... the noob, figured I could connect with it. The radio has channels, 1-22 then 1-8 repeater channels, and then DIY 1 - 24 ...54 total channels, how do I know which one is the repeater? When I go into "VFO" mode, and input the frequency, and the input/output tunes which I believe is setting RX CTSS, and TX CTSS in the setting menu to 136.5 as listed on the page, but I get no nothing. I have tried transmitting, and requesting confirmation in the form of a "communication check" but I never get anything back. If I do the same thing with both radios, the two units are unable to talk back in forth to each other as if they were on any of the regular channels listed above. That's where I am at. WRTS290
  6. Hey yall! Just got my gmrs license yesterday, and trying to hookup to my local repeater, and I cannot confirm if it works or not. I have two radios, and I cannot seem to use them to transmit through the repeater. I am using Tidradio td-h5? I think is the model. Any help, advice,tips,and tricks are super appreciated. WRTS290 - Standing by!
  7. Hey yall! Just got my gmrs license yesterday, and trying to hookup to my local repeater, and I cannot confirm if it works or not. I have two radios, and I cannot seem to use them to transmit through the repeater. I am using Tidradio td-h5? I think is the model. Any help, advice,tips,and tricks are super appreciated. WRTS290 - Standing by!
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