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  1. I understand this is an old thread, but I would like to inform prospective customers for Hardened Power Systems of my experiences with their products. I have purchased a scout g1, a juicebox g3, and a batt pac solar. There have been nothing but problems with every item I have ordered from them. My power pole to t adapter arrived wired backwards which shorted out my radio and the scout. It took 3 scouts get it right and now the cheap chinese fukuai battery they installed, at and extra cost to me wont hold a charge. The juicebox also came with the fukuai batteries and now wont hold a charge. The battpac came with the voltage meter not working,on the replacement battpac the center cover has fallen off. The company doesnt respond to emails or phone calls. They finally responded to an email after I put a bbb complaint in stating the unit had to be sent back for warranty work. I have chosen to replace the batteries at my expense rather than risking not getting my units back from warranty work. Unfortunately if you look on the bbb every complaint is about sending units in for warranty work and not receiving them back and no communication. Obviously, make your own decision on how to spend your money but I wanted to give an insight into my experiences. I have pictures and videos of all the defects to corroborate my experiences. thank you
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