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Everything posted by VETCOMMS

  1. Ok, I have the radio geek tendencies and like that I can monitor more frequencies on the Wouxon. Performance wise and sound quality wise they are very similar?
  2. It looks like the Midland MXT500 and the Wouxon kg-1000g are two of the higher quality mobile radio options out there. I understand the Wouxon can store multiple repeaters with different tones on the same channel. I don't have any repeaters near me but will travel and possibly encounter multiple repeaters on the same frequencies. Would the Midland do just as good as the Wouxon in areas of sparse repeater concentration? It seems one is a superheterodyne radio which I hear is a higher quality radio, am I correct on that? Does one radio have the ability to monitor a wider frequency range than the other? I guess I'm just trying to weigh the pros and cons of each radio and am hoping this who've used both can educate me. School is in session, I'm taking notes
  3. Thanks for all the good antenna options. I think I'll stick with just the GMRS antenna like that Midland one with the 6db gain for now, I can't recall the model number. Once I get my HAM license I'll think about these dual band antennas you mention. Then again, I might be able to listen/monitor more frequencies with the dual band antennas as opposed to the Midland GMRS mobile antenna?
  4. Ok, I think I saw a Bridgecom mag mount that covers it. I'll keep looking.
  5. Is there such a thing for mobile radios? I know hams have the dual band antenna but do they have an antenna that covers 2m, 70cm AND GMRS?
  6. I'll adhere to the K.I.S.S. method and see where this takes me. Thanks.
  7. Thanks for the help. I was thinking if I went the route of Motorola and decided I wanted to add another repeater if I'm going to be traveling then I assume I'd either, 1. Know how to program that repeater in myself. Or, 2. Take it to the Motorola programmer guy/gal and have them do it. Am I thinking correctly on this? If so, then would a Wouxon mobile or, here we go with using Ham radios on GMRS frequencies, would it make more sense to get, say,a TYT th-7800 radio? Would those radios be much easier for a simpleton like me to program?
  8. Ok. I have a call in to the local Motorola dealer so we will see if they will program one. Sounds like I'd better leave the programming to those with experience.
  9. I don't care about girlfriends cheating and don't see how that pertains to this. I do appreciate the constructive advice though and will do my best to be a good boy in the GMRS world. Thanks for helping a newbie, seriously.
  10. Thanks for that. I'll check it out.
  11. Oh no, that makes me nervous. ?
  12. I appreciate the help. Thank you.
  13. Thinking of putting an antenna on either my house (higher off the ground) or on the garage (not as high) but Mother Nature likes to share electricity in the form of lightning bolts around here. What do you guys do to help with grounding? I'm thinking an Ed Fong antenna unless another antenna might be better.
  14. Ok, I did a brief YouTube search and just saw guys blabbing about, "here's my radio" but nothing on programming. I'll dig in a little more. What program is used? I read somewhere there's a guy that sells the software but only at certain times on a certain website but that makes me nervous. Thanks again.
  15. I'm seeing that the CDM1250 and XTL5000 radios are quality units to use in vehicles for GMRS. Does anyone have resources they can share that could teach me how to program these? What do others do? Program themselves? Pay a company to do it?
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