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Everything posted by StreetMedic03

  1. I have a KG-1000g that has been mounted in my truck for about a year (purchased in July, installed in August 2022). I recently noticed that it wasn’t receiving any transmissions on the “B” side but “A” was functioning normally. If i put “A” and “B” on the same channel, “A” would show that its receiving a transmission with audio coming through the speaker but “B” showed that it wasn’t receiving and no audio. I first did some testing with a handheld on simplex and found that it is transmitting on “B” just fine but not receiving transmissions. I tuned “B” to an NOAA frequency and it was receiving that great so it’s obviously capable of receiving and not a speaker issue. While further troubleshooting, “A” was set to GMRS CH-21 and “B” was set to the NOAA Frequency, I could continue hearing the NOAA transmission but when attempting to do a radio check with my handheld on “A”, the KG-1000 could receive on “A” but not transmit. I had to get “B” out of VFO and back onto a GMRS frequency in which case “A” would go back to normal. I contacted BTWR to try and troubleshoot further: Write default file provided by them to radio - No Change Factory Rest - No Change Connect the remote faceplate using shorter cable - No Change It was at this point that they told me that they didn’t know what was going on and since I was about a month out of warranty, nothing they could do. Anyone else encounter this issue or have any ideas?
  2. Having the same issue. Did you ever figure out the problem?
  3. I sent a message almost 2 weeks ago with no reply so I decide to do a forum search which returned this thread. So when you replied on 7/30 and said: ”Did you try reporting your post and using the comment field to explain your issue? I have had good results doing that. Simply being tagged might not attract his attention.” and the OP did that with success, I followed suit by making a post and reporting it. So how is that not learning from this post?
  4. Having a similar issue that I need corrected.
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