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  1. Try this, add a duplexer, antenna, you will be golden. https://www.retevissolutions.com/45w-repeater-composed-of-two-ra87#A9254Ax2-LP23042203x1
  2. I did it, ARRL lifetime member. At the time, was $995, do it when young, better investment. But annual member is great also, good lobbying group for radio spectrum.
  3. Ok, picked up a pair of new Relm RMU45 UHF radios. Anyone here program these? I need a cable and software. Any help is appreciated. This is an area I am not familiar with, I know there is tech wizards in here that could zip me right through it. Thanks. Rick
  4. What is the newer power limit? Is it greater than 50 watts now? I have been looking into gettign 3 of the Midland MXT400 radios at 40 watts. Wife has zero interest in gettign her ham ticket, so I am going to install a GMRS radio in her car.
  5. Ask yourself if you want to use the radio during the day, evening or both. Daytime, I'd to 15-17 or 20 meters, probably 20 if i had to pick one. But 40 meters works decent day or night.
  6. I have been a ham for a 1/4 century, trying to get the wife licenses, she isnt having any part of it. So I picked up a GMRS license, but pricing FCC accepted GMRS radios and gets spendy, its frustrating when I have loads of ham radio gear on hand. Oh well, lead a horse to water, but cant make her drink. ;D
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