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  1. The closest thing I've heard to an official channel is Wyoming suggesting FRS channel 3 with PL tone seven (307, like the Wyoming area code), which is not as a monitored channel but as a channel for operational use to help search and rescue teams close in on search subjects.
  2. This is not exactly on topic, but this helped us locate a hiker on a recent SAR mission. https://buckrail.com/state-launches-new-emergency-radio-channel-for-backcountry-use/
  3. The Wyoming Sheriffs and search and rescue organizations have initiated a program they call "My 307", Based on Wyoming's state wide telephone area code 307. Under this program back country and wilderness users are urged to switch their FRS radios to channel 3 with PL tone 07 if they become lost or have an emergency. While the sheriffs do not routinely guard this channel, in the event that search and rescue is looking for someone the use of the low power FRS channels will allow search crews in the air and on the ground to establish direct two-way communications which they feel will speed the search effort. https://hls.wyo.gov/programs/search-and-rescue
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