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  1. Ok that would be cool! Thank you
  2. If i was to grab a 45watt radio with repeater capablities what kind of antenna is preferred?
  3. http://www.banoggle.com/products/tram/1486.aspx?source=googlebase It was a base one... this is what i was thinkin with a spring with the quick disconnect. Prolly too much antenna for a car huh?
  4. I seen a couple fiberglass ones that was for 450 - 512 mhz. Maybe the where for a home base station? Roughly 5ft tall. 6.5db with max power of 200watts... althought i know 50watts is our max output power... if i am to put one on the car if like to have a perminant fixture with a quick disconnect like i do on the cb. I dont trust people around sd... lol they would rob u just to say they did
  5. Leixen VV-898P UHF/VHF Dual Band Mobile Radio... thats one i was looking at last night
  6. Ok i see... how far of a range would a unit like that achieve? Dependant on the antenna?? Say for instance the antenna like a firestik that i seen the other day. I only have a handheld, do u program these manually or can you hook it up with computer software like the handhelds?
  7. Those are some nice setups! I got to lookin around last night and seen a couple radios about 45w range. Also said repeater capable. Now can u explain to me what exactly that means. Receive on one freq and tx on another I know that portion. But is it all in the same radio or do u have to buy 2? That would be a good thing to have my vehicle as a repeated on club rides off road. Also I did find some fiberglass antennas like the firestik for CB. I like how I have that one set up with the disconnect and all for easy removal. But tryin to find one like that was no easy feat in the band range. Seams like they use he same connector as the CB one which means I could do the same setup just on the opposite side. But is that too much antenna. 4ft, 6.5 db.... That's all I remember of it for right now. But would one radio repeater capable be good or is the a catch? Lol learning new stuff every time u guys reply... Curious mind!
  8. Also what are the wattage on those?
  9. Yea im tight on space in my car... i drive a crosstrek... those radios look pretty small! Is there another box that goes to them under the seat or somethin? Or is that the whole package? What kind of antennas do they use? Do they have to one of those magnetic mounts or are there other options? I wouldnt mind add ing one on the opposite side from my cb antenna.
  10. I agree with u corey... it seems dead around here in sd... it seems ham is where it is at... i should look more into ham.. a good car unit would be great... im a lil old school and from the south and i have a cb in the car.. man is san diego horrible with cb channels... but i tend to use it driving cross country alot. Thank you guys alot for the info. I think i will be lookin to introduce myself to the ham community this year.. until then ill play with what i have! Something new to learn!
  11. Thank you for u for the info. I know my mom is covered. My friend is a different story. Sorry for the odd questions.. I usually tend to pick people's brains. I see most of you guys replying are ham users as well. Personally how useful is it to you over gmrs? Would it be more useful in traveling situations? Personal preference? I do not know if I'd use it as a hobby but then again I can never tell. Never really thought of playin around with it before or expanding from what I do at work, if any of that makes since.
  12. I appriciate it! Now if i was to say wanting to talk to a friend on the other side of town do i approval for both of us or is one end. I know gmrs is for the family and i am the one licensed but my mother is not. Is it up to the owner of the repeated?
  13. How would one go about asking for permission? Do some required a donation?
  14. Hey guys! My name is dustin. I have had my gmrs license for a while but mostly been using it around here in san diego for off road trails and stuff... ive been pretty basic with it... i am an avioncs tech so im used to shipboard and aircraft comms... recently ive heard of the repeater stuff... i dont know much about it but would love to learn more and its potential.im san diego but travel EVERYWHERE. i would love to beable to learn about the repeaters and use them throughout the us... i am always in arkansas and tn. I wanna know is it possble to be able to hook up with a repeater in all the locations for safety reason since my wife and i and our kids are always hiking and camping... "thinking ahead sorta say"... maybe even make a few friends along the way! Let me know... any info would be awesome. Thank u guys!
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