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  1. MOST!!?? I'll challenge that! I'm not sure about GMRS use by Truck Drivers (I don't hear any routine GMRS by truckers in my area or in my home town) but still hear plenty of English Speaking CB's using the CB to chat along the way. A lot of them I have spoken with are OLD like me; but I can't say "most" are old as I have spoken with only a very small sampling of CBer's nationwide. GMRS - very few individuals use GMRS in my neck of the wood; other than business and government (including Walmart, schools and jails).
  2. Wow, three of y'all new folks with new KG935g's, IP66 rated radios. You make this "newbie to this forum" blush with my two little $40 Radioddity GM-30s, which are not IP66 rated and melt like the wicked-witch-of-the-west in rain. Those are great radios (according the Youtube Reviews I've listened to); hope you enjoy 'em!
  3. Summary: Don't follow MFGR instructions to upgrade firmware on new radios - check your version 1sts! ISSUE: I purchased 2 new Radioddity GM-30s. Upgraded firmware took me down V06.03.009 to V06.03.009 RESOLVED by Radioddity. See below for details. The Manual said to download software and latest firmware and install firmware, I did (Doh!) I went from Firmware V06.03.009 DOWN to V06.03.009. MY EMAIL: Hello, Summary: PLEASE GIVE ME THE LINK TO YOUR NEWEST FIRMWARE so I can get back to or better than V6.03.009 I do LOVE my two new radios - XLNT for the price. I got my TWO new Radioddity GM-30s and followed instructions and upgraded the first one. The Firmware "Upgrade" took me DOWN from V6.03.009 to V6.03.006! DId I download the wrong one? Factory Reset did NOT put it back to V6.03.009. MY 2nd radio I do NOT 'update'; so remains V6.03.009. My request: PLEASE GIVE ME THE LINK TO YOUR NEWEST FIRMWARE so I can get back to or better than V6.03.009. I hope to hear from a human. Thank you. ========================= RADIODDITY's (David's) OUTSTANDING REPLY!! Radioddity Online_Store Attachments 1 (firmware v6.03.009 bin file) 12:13 PM ) to me Hi Dave, We have never made v6.03.009 up for download, as the manufacturer had insisted it is the same as v6.03.006. That said, I have been able to secure a copy of the 6.03.009 firmware, which is attached to this reply. (I am human - at least 5 days a week ) Cheers, David Little Radioddity Support Team ======END========= Great support. Gotta Luv Radioddity!!! (after this - I certainly do!) My lesson learned, Don't follow MFGR instructions to upgrade firmware on new radios - check your version 1sts! [This is my 1st submission, hope it's appropriate and in the right place] David Stewart WRUQ282 Their link is here (but check your version first!): https://www.radioddity.com/pages/radioddity-download
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