Nope quiet down here no repeater for them to interfere with. Our problem is from ham/gmrs operators in wisconsin who have no moral values other than to jam a good repeater. Till it is taken down and put away I have no complaints about the kids they go away and if your repeater is pl'ed you don't hear them. Its the licensed few who are idiots , who want respect but don't have the moral values of a 2 year old when it comes to repeaters. Who is being hurt by this? The owners are and when they are great repeaters, now they are off-line due to these idiots in south-east wi. who decided to play games till 3 are gone. SORRY Guys and Gals. I had to vent about this issue. Mine is also off-line tonight and will probally go to down south to a good mountain location where it will get the respect it deserves. Bubble Pack is not the problem, licensed individuals who play games are, and till the FCC cracks down on this we are all in the same boat. Abuse it and it is gone.