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Everything posted by gearjunkie

  1. Thats one reason I'm afraid to update my firmware. I have 230317 ! Works fine no matter how I program it. Bluetooth or chirp. Hits all repeaters.
  2. Yes I agree it's going to be a great radio. But I am wondering if I should have just ordered the 9PX,(and made it work on GMRS) as I would have that one now. And it says it is in stock now as well. I wonder if Mark see's where your from and programs all the CTCSS codes in for your area? Also before it comes I want the RT software and a spare battery.
  3. I'd like to know more about the RT systems software as well. I am waiting on the 9GX as well and have recently seen some videos of people getting theirs. Frankly I'm thinking of cancelling. These people waited at least 6 months to a year to get them! I was told 15 weeks and then Mark said hopefully less. It's been 3 months already. How long ago did you order your gx?
  4. I'm on the list as well. As far as I know the use SMA male antennas so you just need an adapter. I just received a package of them so I can use anything including my Midland MXT12 mag mount on my roof mounting an MXT26 6db gain antenna for my truck. Also got a super flexible cable to attach to the roof antenna to any HT. Hoping my 9GX gets here soon!
  5. The 935 is a great radio and a lot people say that. It's my belief the uv9gx is a much better radio. Or the uv9g pro.
  6. It's the radio itself I was interested in because it's a superheterodyne radio. The added channels don't bother me. I was going to get the pro version as it was available but decided to get the best at this time, I believe. The KG935G from what I've read and seen videos on is a darn good choice as well.
  7. oh, hahaha, nice!
  8. hahaha. I already did! Ordered the UV-9GX. what do you mean by ccr? A cheap radio till my good one gets here?
  9. Thanks! New York. And wish I wasn't lol.
  10. Hello. Brand new license holder. Really liking the KG-UV9GX but don't want wait 15 weeks on backorder lol. May get the UV9G pro instead. Thoughts anyone. Both should be great radios I think.
  11. Literally just got my GMRS license. Just wanted to say hello and anybody local to me? Western New York area. Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse?
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