So I found quite the deal on a pair of TK-8150 radios with remote heads, from a local PD that went to 800MHz. Tonight I installed the radio, programmed it using KPG-79D. I got all the standard GMRS frequencies in, plus the known repeaters I might be close to when driving for work. Anyways, it starts up like it should, I can select channels and zones that I want no problem. My problem is I have no sound. The radio came with Pins 5&6 jumpered from the PD, and from what I read, that should make it use the internal speaker in the head. Is there something I'm missing in the programming? I did check one repeater that is in range, 1s keyed up, when I release the key, I get the green busy light for 2 seconds after, but no sound. I'm just feeling defeated today.